Instead, it turns out that Erik helped BUILD Coney Island, which is much more appropriate. Other than that, the plot is kind of "bleh" and has many many OOC moments for most of the characters. I will not be responsible for spoilers; I'll let you read them if you choose.
Anyway, I pre-ordered the album through Amazon and I saved 31% on it (one of the reasons I actually bought it, haha). I was pleasantly surprised by the music, I will freely admit that! Of course, I had really really hoped that the music would be good, either way, and such was the case, although some of the songs had to grow on me.
One of my friends wanted to listen to the music, but she was very confused about who was singing/saying what and when. And so, being the crazy person that I am, I transcribed the ENTIRE MUSICAL. That's right; I basically have a libretto. If it's on the Original Cast Recording, it's in my word document. And, being me, I made comments throughout! Yes, I am insane, but at least I know it. :)
"He had a heart that could have held the empire of the world, and in the end, he had to content himself with a cellar." -- Gaston Leroux's The Phantom of the Opera