Okay, so "House" used to be one of my favorite shows, but I don't really like the new direction they've taken the show. To start with, I am an avid House/Cuddy shipper and I do NOT like what they're doing with Cuddy and Lucas. I finally watched the episode that followed Cuddy around her day, and while I enjoyed it a lot, I am really not a fan of a lot of the things they're doing.
House and Cuddy really would work as a couple. It would take some time, but they would be great together!
Lucas needs to go away. He needs to go far away and trip over his own bloody, stupid ego and hit his head on a sidewalk. Since this is a fictional character I'm talking about, I do not feel bad for saying such things. Fictional characters are fair game for my wrath. And Lucas is the subject of my wrath. FEEL my wrath, Lucas! FEEL IT! FEEL THE BUUUUURN!
I'm done, for now.
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