So, I've been seeing a lot of previews for Tim Burton's newest (as yet unreleased) film, Alice in Wonderland, and from what I remember of Lewis Caroll's story, they don't look very similar. Rather than just going "Oh, it's nothing like the book; I boycott!" immediately, I did a little bit of research! (Research=good, making assumptions on false or limited information=bad. I chose to follow the yellow brick road.) But anyway, over the course of my research, I discovered something! Amazing how that happens with research, isn't it? :) Tim Burton's movie is NOT, in fact, based on the novel. It is set ten years after Alice's original adventures in Wonderland. Before I found that out, I had been rather worried. After all, since it's a Tim Burton film that has Johnny Depp in it, he has to be a main character. And the Mad Hatter is not a main character in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
But, I do have one thing to say: what is UP with Helena Bonham Carter's proportions? I mean, seriously, are they trying to make a people-version of The Dog/The Cat ? Also, I love Tim Burton, and I'm a fan of Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, but Mr. Burton, there are other actors that you can cast. Plus, Johnny Depp looks like a pedophile again (anyone remember Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?)!
So, I shall probably watch this movie, but I certainly won't be rushing out to see it opening weekend.
Totally agree, they need to come up with an appearance for JD that does not look like he is going to sacrifice your children to his monstrous appetite...wait, thats the Beast. No, more like JD should stop looking like a fantastical version of Michael Jackson. Anyway, thats pretty much the saving grace of this movie it seems, that Alice is not a child. Great post, though, btw, I can't wait to see your review when it comes out :D