So, I've been seeing a lot of previews for Tim Burton's newest (as yet unreleased) film, Alice in Wonderland, and from what I remember of Lewis Caroll's story, they don't look very similar. Rather than just going "Oh, it's nothing like the book; I boycott!" immediately, I did a little bit of research! (Research=good, making assumptions on false or limited information=bad. I chose to follow the yellow brick road.) But anyway, over the course of my research, I discovered something! Amazing how that happens with research, isn't it? :) Tim Burton's movie is NOT, in fact, based on the novel. It is set ten years after Alice's original adventures in Wonderland. Before I found that out, I had been rather worried. After all, since it's a Tim Burton film that has Johnny Depp in it, he has to be a main character. And the Mad Hatter is not a main character in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
But, I do have one thing to say: what is UP with Helena Bonham Carter's proportions? I mean, seriously, are they trying to make a people-version of The Dog/The Cat ? Also, I love Tim Burton, and I'm a fan of Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, but Mr. Burton, there are other actors that you can cast. Plus, Johnny Depp looks like a pedophile again (anyone remember Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?)!
So, I shall probably watch this movie, but I certainly won't be rushing out to see it opening weekend.